Trainings for the month of July of 2020

A healthier and fairer world means that its inhabitants are more confident and healthy people.

"Functional Training" -  is a solid and structured response for all those who want to start a new practice in the comfort of their homes and / or maintain their training habits.

Workout 31 July 2020 Quadro

1. Mobilidade


2. WOD

A) 4 Rounds, each for time

125 Alternating Single unders

10 DB Thruster

20m DB Overhead carry

10 DB Renegade row

125 Alternating Single unders

Rest 2-minutes between rounds


A) Plank conditioning set – 3 rounds

5 Tuck to plank position

5 Plank slides

5" Planck Lean

5 push-ups

5 Pike to Plank Slides


Rest 1-minute

Note. Use a towel on the floor for sliding

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Workout 30 July 2020 Sindee

Warm Up

3 Rounds

50 4-Count Weighted Flutter Kicks
40 Single Arm Bent Over Rows (20 each)
30 Weighted Glute Bridges
20 Weighted Sit-Ups

WORKOUT by Ben Bergeron

On the 0:00…

5 Rounds of "Sindee"
50 Db Ground to Shoulder 

On the 8:00…

4 Rounds of “Sindee”
40 Db Squats 

On the 16:00…

3 Rounds of “Sindee”
30 Db Thrusters
*1 round of Sindee: 10 Push-ups, 20 Air Squats

Compara com 29 de Abril 2020
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Workout 29 July 2020 Treino de Circuito

Warm up 

Mobilidade Video


A) Handstand walk skill – 3 Rounds 

3 Front support to elevated downward dog stretch

10" Pike handstand hold

10" Pike handstand shoulder shrugs

2 Pike handstand with single-leg extensions (5-second holds)

10 Pike handstand shoulder taps

Muscle Endurance CIRCUIT

A) 20' EMOM

(1) – DB Reverse lunges

(2) – Bent over DB see-saw row

(3) – DB Single leg deadlift

(4) – Seated DB see-saw press

(5) – Rest and recover


b) 16-minute EMOM

(1) – Db Floor press

(2) – DB Cossack squat, alternating

(3) – V-Ups

(4) – Rest and recover

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Workout 28 July 2020 Liberdade

Warm Up

A) 5 Rounds

20" Line Hops
20" High Knees
20" Lunges in place
20" Handstand Hold

B) 3 Sets 4:0:2:0

12 Seated Shoulder Press
8 Bodyweight Tricep Extension
12 Kb Pull Over 

AMRAP 24' 

Partner Wod I go you go 

25 Kb Swings
4 Burpee Deadlift
19 Air Squats
74 Double-Unders

If do do not have a partner rest the same period of work

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Workout 27 July 2020 2:1 Ratio

1. Mobilidade da Anca Video

2. SKILL - Video

Turkish get up exploration  5 sets on each side:

Arm bar – Turkish sit up – Get up w/ strict press  – Bent press – Hang clean & press – Hang snatch – Windmill

3. WOD

A1. 6 x (60" AMRAP  30" Rest)

10 DB Snatch, alternating

8 DB Front rack walking lunges

Max rep Burpees in the remaining time

Rest 3-minutes

A2. 6 x (40" AMRAP : 20" rest)

10 KB swings

8 Goblet squat

Max rep Burpees in the remaining time

Rest 3'  

A3. 6 x (30" AMRAP : 15"rest)

10 Jumping lunges

Max rep Burpees in the remaining time

Use a Single Db all workout

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Workout 26 July 2020 Complex Turkish Get Up

Lazy Sunday Challenge

Turkish Get Up Complex

For Quality 

Arm Bar
Turkish Sit Up
Bent press
Hang clean & press
Hang snatch

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Workout 25 July 2020 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters


A) 2 Rounds:

30 comando plank

50 Jumping Jacks

20 Double-Unders

B) 3 Rounds:

10 Goblet  Squats

20 Sit-Ups


Tempo 4:0:2:0 Front Squats

15 - 15 - 15 

EMOMx15 min:

Minute 1:

15 Sumo DeadLift High Pull

Minute 2:

10 Burpees Over-the-Dbs

Minute 3:

5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

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Workout 24 July 2020 Ingrina

Warm Up

A) 3 Rounds:

10 Step-Ups

10 Sit-Ups

10 Push-Ups

30 Single-Unders

B) 2 Rounds:

15 Kb Swings

5 Dbs Squats

5 Presses

Muscle Endurance

Tabata Hang Power Clean


EMOMx10 min:

Odd Minutes:

15 Dumbbell Deadlifts

15 Dumbbell Push Press

Even Minutes:

10 V-Ups

20 Double-Unders

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Workout 23 July 2020 1 Pood


A) 2 Rounds:

120 Dot hops
20 Jumping Jacks

B) 2 rounds:

20 Walking Lunges (10 each leg)
20'' Handstand Hold


20 Minute AMRAP:

20 Kb Russian Twists
20 Kb Clean and Jerks (10 each arm)
10 Kb Goblet Squats
10 Kb Reverse Lunges

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Workout 22 July 2020 quarta

1. Mobility

A) Lunge Flow 


A) Kneeling jump – 6 x 3, go every 90-seconds 

3. WOD

A) 3 sets (A1 – A2 – A3)

A1. 4 x (90-second AMRAP : 45-seconds rest)
30 Double unders
5 Devils press
Rest 2 to 3-minutes before A2
A2. 5 x (60-second AMRAP : 30-seconds rest)
4 DB Hang (squat) clean
8 Push up
Rest 2 to 3-minutes before A3
A3. 6 x (40-second AMRAP : 20-seconds rest)
10 DB Snatch, alternating
Burpees over the DB for the remaining time

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Workout 21 July 2020 Minuto

Warm Up


20 High Knees
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Butt Kickers
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees with no push-up

WORKOUT "Minuto"

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Hang Dumbbell Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Squats

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Workout 20 July 2020 Pace

Warm Up

Mobilidade Sequência 1 - Video

V-up conditioning complex - Video

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps & 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 sec hold

Single leg v-up pulses + hold

Single leg straddle up pulses + hold

L-sit pulses + hold

V-up snaps + hold (Straight or tuck)

A) 3 Rounds, each for time

50 Air squat

40 Reverse lunges

30 KB Swings

20 Cossack squats

10 HSPU - Pike Push Ups

Rest 1-minute between rounds

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Workout 18 July 2020 Down & Up

1. Mobilidade 

A) Sequência 3 - Video


A) Overhead skill complex* – 4 Rounds for quality

1 DB/KB Turkish get-up

2 DB/KB Windmill

3 DB/KB Overhead squat

Rest as needed between rounds


A) Alternate A1 / A2 for 10 total intervals

A1. 60" AMRAP

5 DB Thruster

5 Down Up With Dbs

Rest 1'

A2. 60" AMRAP

5 DB Deadlift

5 DB Hang power clean

5 DB Shoulder to overhead

Rest 1'

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Workout 17 July 2020 Ninjas

1. Mobilidade

A) Sequência 2 Video


A) Straight arm/midline strength circuit – 3 rounds of:

5 Negative body levers SL, Straddle, Straight

5 DB straight arm hollow sit-ups (3-second lower down/ hold the bottom for 3-seconds) 

10 handstand shoulder shrugs (2-second pause in each position) 

Rest 90” between each round


A) Alternate 1 / 2 for 12 total intervals

1. 60" AMRAP

10 Push up

10 Goblet squat

Rest 1 min

2. 30" AMRAP

DB Devils press

Rest 30”

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Workout 16 July 2020 Variação entre Double Unders Kb Swings e Burpees

A) EMOMx16:

A – 45" Side Plank Hold (L)
B – 45" Air Squats
C – 45" Side Plank Hold (R)
D – 45 " Lateral Hops / SU

WORKOUT "Variação"
For Time:

Double-Unders / Jumping Jacks

Kettlebell Swings


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Workout 15 July 2020 Força em circuito de treino


A) Warm up


A) 20’ EMOM

(1) – DB Walking lunges

(2) – Seated DB press

(3) – DB Single leg hip thrust, alternating

(4) – Bent over DB row

(5) – Rest and recover

B) 12’ EMOM

(1) – DB Death march

(2) – DB Bench (or floor) press

(3) – DB Cossack squat, alternating

(4) – Rest and recover


V-up  complex Video

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps & 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 sec hold

Single leg v-up pulses + hold

Single leg straddle up pulses + hold

L-sit pulses + hold

V-up snaps + hold (Straight or tuck)

Rest 30 seconds between each round

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Workout 14 July 2020 Squat & Press - Treinar Em Casa

Warm Up

3 Rounds

120 - SU alternated
10 Bent Over Rows
 20 Jumping Jacks
 10 Air Squats



5 Front Squats (left)
10 Push Press (left)
5 Front Squat (Right)
10 Push Press (Right)
15 Sit Ups

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Workout 13 July 2020 Sueste 13 07 2020

1. Mobility 

Sequência de mobilidade 1 VIDEO


5 Rounds each arm

2 DB/KB Turkish get-up

2 DB/KB Windmill

2 DB/KB Single arm overhead squat

(aim for full complex unbroken on each arm every round)

Rest as needed b/t arms and rounds


A) 3 sets of 3 intervals

A1. 2’ AMRAP

5 V-up

10 Push up

20 Air squat

Rest 1’

A2. 2’ AMRAP

30 Double unders

10 DB snatch, alternating

Rest 1’

A3. 2’ AMRAP

16 Jumping Lunges

8 DB Power clean over 

Rest 3’


A) Complexo de Prancha – 3 rounds 

5 Pike deslize para Prancha

5 Deslizes em Prancha

5 Plank push-ups

Rest 30’’

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Workout 11 July 2020 Db Snatches Burpees & Single Unders

Warm Up

 In 5'
Single Unders
5 Burpees on each minute 


3 super-sets:

15 See-saw rows

Max Alternating Dumbbell Strict Presses

Rest 2:00 between rounds.


20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches 

40 Double-Unders

20 Burpees

40 Double-Unders

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Workout 10 July 2020 4 x 6 minutos

1. Mobility


A) Handstand strength sequence – 3 Rounds

3 Bunny hop to tuck handstand 

10’’ Hold tuck handstand on the third rep 

5’’ Extend to full handstand 

5 Handstand shoulder shrugs (slow reps)

10 Handstand shoulder taps (or small hand placements)

Rest 2 minutes between each round


A) 4 Intervals 

A. 6-minute AMRAP

2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 etc.

Pistols, alternating

Pike push up

KB Swing

Rest 2’

B. 6-minute AMRAP

2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 etc.


DB Push press

DB Squat

Rest 2’

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Workout 8 July 2020 Better late than never

1. Mobility

A) Lunge Flow 


A) Kneeling jump


A. 4 x (90-second AMRAP : 45-seconds rest)

30 Double unders
5 Devils press

Rest 2

B. 5 x (60-second AMRAP : 30-seconds rest)

4 DB Hang (squat) clean
8 Push up

Rest 2 

C. 6 x (40-second AMRAP : 20-seconds rest)

10 DB Snatch, alternating
Burpees over the DB for the remaining time

Workout 7 July 2020 Each For Time

1. Mobility

A) Lunge Flow

2. Skill

A) 5 Rounds

20” Handstand walk on the spot or shoulder taps

3. Workout

A) 5 Rounds, each for time

135 speed steps (counting the right foot only)

30 Jumping squats

20 Push-ups

10 V-ups

Rest 30-seconds between rounds

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Workout 5 July 2020 Circuito de Força


A) Warm up


A) Proprioceptividade para o Apoio Facial Invertido – 3 Rondas:

“Anteversão e retroversão” 

10 deitado no chão anteversão e retroversão da anca (com um PVC nos braços)

10 deitado no chão pernas na parede (45 graus)

10 Em pé contra a parede inclinado a 45 graus

10-20 Segundos em apoio facial invertido pernas na parede 45 graus

Descansa 60’’


A) 20’ EMOM

(1) – Bent over DB see-saw row

(2) – DB Lateral lunge, alternating

(3) – 3 point planche lean complex (10” each position, feet against a wall)

(4) – DB Death March

(5) – Rest and recover

B) 12’ EMOM

(1) – DB Reverse lunge in place, alternating

(2) – Seated DB see-saw press

(3) – (DB) Cossack squats, alternating

(4) – Rest and recover

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Workout 4 July 2020

1. Mobility


A) Pistol prep – 3 Rounds

5 Candlestick roll

10 Cossack squat

10 Feet together squats

B) Practice Pistols

Hawaiian Squats - Bulgarian Squats - Skater Squats - Hand Supporting Single Leg Squat - Deck Squat 

3. Workout

A) For time

10 to 1

DB Devils press with Clean & Jerk

30 Double unders (each round)

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Workout 3 July 2020 Conditioning

A) Mobilidade Anca

B) Proprioceptividade para o Apoio Facial Invertido

3 Rondas:

“Anteversão e retroversão” 
10 deitado no chão anteversão e retroversão da anca (com um PVC nos braços)
10 deitado no chão pernas na parede (45 graus)
10 Em pé contra a parede inclinado a 45 graus
10-20 Segundos em apoio facial invertido pernas na parede 45 graus
Descansa 60’’


1. 4 x (60” AMRAP : 30” rest)

12 Air squat
10 KB hang snatch, alternating
Max burpees in the remaining time
Rest 2’

2. 6 x(40” AMRAP: 20”rest)

10 Air squat
8 DB hang snatch, alternating
Max burpees in the remaining time
Rest 2’

3. 8 x (30” AMRAP : 15” rest)

8 Air squat
6 DB hang snatch, alternating
Max burpees in the remaining time
Rest 2’

4. 12 x (20” AMRAP : 10” rest), cada movimento em cada intervalo

(1) – Air squat for max reps
(2) – DB hang snatch (alternating) for max reps
(3) – Burpees for max reps

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Workout 2 July 2020 SKI


A) 2 Rounds:

100 4 dot hops
20 Sit-Ups

B) 2 Rounds:

15 Broad Jumps
30 Mountain Climbers


50 Kb Swings
50 Mountain Climbers
25 Bent-Over Row (R)
25 Bent-Over Row (L)

40 Kettlebell Swings
40 Mountain Climbers
20 Bent-Over Row (R)
20 Bent-Over Row (L)

30 Kb Swings
30 Mountain Climbers
15 Bent-Over Row (R)
15 Bent-Over Row (L)

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Bent-Over Row Right Arm
10 Bent-Over Row Left Arm

10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Mountain Climbers
5 Bent-Over Row Right Arm
5 Bent-Over Row Left Arm

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Workout 1 July 2020 Muscle Transition Push Ups

1. Mobilidade Lunge

2. Muscle Endurance


Slide Throughs Hands (On DBs)
Muscle Transition Push Ups

3. Intervals 

4 rounds of

20 Box step-up
20 KB swing
20 Down-ups (no push up)
20 Goblet squat
Active rest (Walk, Stretch,)
Score. Slowest time on any round

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Renato Caetano

Graduate Degree in Sport - Physical Education

  • FMH - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Post Graduation in Functional Training
  • Post Graduation in Personal Training
Renato Caetano Photo