Trainings for the month of September of 2021

A healthier and fairer world means that its inhabitants are more confident and healthy people.

"Functional Training" -  is a solid and structured response for all those who want to start a new practice in the comfort of their homes and / or maintain their training habits.

Workout 17 September 2021 Lunge Flow

Lunge Flow for 10 minutes

Row for 5'

a) For time:
100 Single Unders 50 Sit-ups
80 Single Unders 40 Sit-ups
60 Single Unders 30 Sit-ups
40 Single Unders 20 Sit-ups
20 Single Unders 10 Sit-ups

b) For Time:
400m Row
21 Kb Swings (24 Kg/ 16 Kg)
12 Seesaw Row* (22.5 Kg / 15 Kg)

*Left + Right = 1 rep

treino a pares
Watch this workout video on YouTube

Workout 2 September 2021 Grip

6 Rounds for time

200m Run

4 DB Thruster

7 DB hang to overhead

10 DB deadlift

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Renato Caetano

Graduate Degree in Sport - Physical Education

  • FMH - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Post Graduation in Functional Training
  • Post Graduation in Personal Training
Renato Caetano Photo