Entrenamientos del mes de Mayo de 2020

Un mundo más saludable y justo pasa porque sus habitantes sean personas más fuertes y confiadas.

"Entrenamiento Funcional"
Es una respuesta sólida y estructurada para todos aquellos que desean comenzar una nueva práctica en la comodidad de sus casas. y / o mantener sus hábitos de entrenamiento.

Entrenamiento 30 de mayo 2020 Empurrar

Warm up

30 Butt Kickers 
30 High knees
40 Mountain Climbers

3 Rounds:
20 S U
10 Push-Ups
12 Crunches 


Max Seated Strict Press in 6'
Every min 6 V ups

20 Minutes AMRAP:

10 Sit-Ups 
20 Push Press
10 Double-Unders

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Entrenamiento 29 de mayo 2020 Metabólico

Warm Up

4x Tabata

Hollow Hold
Glute Bridges
Glute Bridge Hold

For Time:

1 Round:
160 Double Unders
40 Burpees

2 Rounds:
80 Double Unders
20 Burpees

3 Rounds:
40 Double Unders
10 Burpees

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Entrenamiento 28 de mayo 2020 3 vezes


A) 5 Rounds:

50 High Knees 50 Butt Kickers 50 Jumping Jacks
4 Down-Ups
8 Frankstein Walks
8 Burpees
8 Frankstein Walks
8 Walking Lunges


6 sets
30 " Split Lunges hold
20 Split Lunges

3 Rounds:

4 Db Hang Squat Cleans
6 Db Lunges
12 Burpees Over Db
24 Double-Unders
– 1 Minute rest

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Entrenamiento 27 de mayo 2020 Eficaz

Warm Up

A) 2 Rounds:

40 High Knees
40 Butt Kickers
20 Down-Ups

45" on 15" off
Single leg Deadlifts 
Single leg Bridges 
Single Arm Power Cleans 
Russian Swings 

AMRAP 5' x 3 

with one minute rest
10 Air Squats
8 Push-ups
4 Power Snatches

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Entrenamiento 26 de mayo 2020 Deep

EMOM 12' (45'' on 15'' off)

1- Cossack Squats
2- Shoulder Taps
3- Hollow Rock
4- Sit Ups
5 - Glute Bridges hold
6 - Glute Bridges


a) 20 AbMat Sit-Ups
b) 12 Overhead Tricep Extensions
c) 8 Close Grip Push-ups
Max reps Bench Press


30 Dips
20 Kb Swing (OH)
10 Power Cleans

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Entrenamiento 25 de mayo 2020 Aquele Clássico

Warm Up

Tabata for 12'
Seated Leg Lifting
Air Squats
Towel Pull Apart
Donkey Kicks
Single Leg DeadLift


5' Time Cap
100 Jumping Lunges
In Each minute 5  Thrusters

B. For Time

Power Cleans
50 DU Between
Front Squats
50 DU Between

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Entrenamiento 23 de mayo 2020 Fight

Warm Up

EMOM 12'
A- 15 Sit Ups
B- 20 Squats Jumps
C - 45'' Isometric Towel Bent Over Row

3 Super Sets

9 Db Single Leg Deadlifts (Left)
9 Db Single Leg Deadlifts  (Right)
18 Db Deadlift 
21 Weighted Glute Bridges

3 Rounds :

1 minute Wall Socks Shots 
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
1 minute Step Ups / Box Jumps 
1 minute Push Press 
1 minute American Swings
1 minute Rest

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Entrenamiento 22 de mayo 2020 Isometria

Warm Up

Tabata x 4
OverHead Squat Isometric Towel pull apart
Dynamic Side Plank to T's
Bent Over Row
Glute Bridges


Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Presses
On the Minute (Starting at 0:00):
6 Hand Release Push-ups


16 Db Power Snatches
32 Jumping Jacks
16 Db OH Reverse Lunges
32 Hops Over the Db

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Entrenamiento 21 de mayo 2020 Meio

Warm Up

7 Rounds
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Sit Ups
10 Comando Plank


3 Super sets 
60'′ OH Walking Lunges (Right)
20 Clean (Right)
60′ OH Walking Lunge (Left)
20  Cleans (Left)

For Time

Dumbbell Clusters
Push Ups
30 DU in Between Rounds

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Entrenamiento 20 de mayo 2020 Brinca

Warm Up

3 Rounds of
45'' on 15'' Off
1- Side Planks to T's Dynamic
2- Jumping Jacks
3- Flutter Kicks
4 - Turkish Get Up
5- Lateral Hops Over the Db
6- Down Up


Max Single Dumbbell Strict Presses
On the minute 6 Sit Ups

AMRAP 6' x 2 with 1' rest

30 Double Unders
9 Inverted Burpee

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Entrenamiento 19 de mayo 2020 Macho Man

Toe Touch with Jump
Cossack Squats

3 Super Sets:
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Left)
30'' Towel Isometric Deadlift
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Right)
30'' Towel Isometric Pull Aparts 

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
60 Double Unders
20 Jumping Lunges
Max Rounds of Dumbbell Macho Man

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

1 Round of Macho Man = 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front squats + 3 Shoulder to Overhead

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Entrenamiento 18 de mayo 2020 Francisca em Casa


2 Rounds of
45`` ON 15`` OFF
1- Plank Hold
2- Push Up
3- Down and Up
4- Lunges
5- V-Up 
6- Air Squat


3 Rounds:
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat (Left)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Left)
:30 Static Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat (Right)
:30 Max Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (Right)

“Francisca em Casa”

For Time:
Dumbbell Thrusters
Dumbbell Row

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Entrenamiento 17 de mayo 2020 Mensagem dos Treinadores de CrossFit

Mensagem dos Treinadores

Do Minho ao Algarve, da Madeira aos Açores, todos os dias alguém acorda a pensar: é hoje, vou desistir, não consigo.
Dias difíceis: são muitos.

Mas hoje não vai ser o dia em que tu vais desistir, hoje vai ser o dia em que cada gota de suor do teu WOD vai ser menos uma lágrima derramada amanhã.

Estamos nisto juntos, os treinadores, os atletas, as boxes.
Este vírus não escolhe raça, género ou religião, mas nós escolhemos não desistir HOJE. Estamos unidos numa enorme Familia: a tua, a minha, a de todos.
Juntos seremos a Força que fará a diferença.

Escolhe ser FORTE: apoia a tua box, apoia os teus colegas de treino, apoia a tua comunidade.

“Para muitos a felicidade passou a ser algo muito mais simples do que alguma vez foi no passado: o desejo infinito de abraçar os nossos amores”
José Alberto Carvalho

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Entrenamiento 16 de mayo 2020 Bergeron Beep Test

Warm Up

1- Single Leg Bridges
2- Crunch
1-Hollow Rock



Db Pull Over
In every minute
6  Pushups one hand on the Db

“Bergeron Beep Test”

On the Minute:
7 Goblet Thrusters (single DB)
7 Single Arm Alternating DB Power Snatches
7 Burpees

For as long as possible
After 10 rounds, add (1) rep to each movement.

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Entrenamiento 15 de mayo 2020 Alternado - Agachamento Búlgaro e Arremesso com Halteres

Warm Up

10` of:
Jumping Rope or Jumping Jacks
In every minute performing 5 Burpees!


EMOM 10:
Bulgarian Split Squats 

For Time:

50 Alt Db Squat Cleans
100 Line Hops / DU
50 Hand-Release Pushups
100 Line Hops / DU
50 Alt Db Squat Cleans

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Entrenamiento 14 de mayo 2020 Burpee Climber

Warm Up

5 Inch Worms
10 Windmill
5 Table tops (4" hold on top)
10 Windmill


7 sets of :
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Overhead Tricep Extensions


10 Burpee Mountain Climbers
20 Db Power Clean and Jerks
30 Lateral Hops Over The Db

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Entrenamiento 13 de mayo 2020 Up and Down

Warm Up

2' Alt Cat Stretch &  Downward Dog


 in 10'
15 Glute Bridges
10 Single Leg DeadLift
15 Sit Ups
10 Single Leg DeadLift


Every 2 Minutes for 14 minutes 
10 Z Press
10 Ring Row / or Bent Over Row
10 Tricep BW Extension

Workout - 

 9 15 21 - 21 15 9 

For Time: 

Rest one minute at the top:
note your times: 
1- the way up 
2- the way down

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Entrenamiento 12 de mayo 2020 Tempo

A) 2 Rounds:

60 Line Hops
20 Reverse Lunges

B) 2 Rounds:
20 Sit-Ups
10 Down-Ups
5 Push-Ups

10 reps 
1 Single Arm OverHead Squat

For Time
Kettlebell Swings
Close Grip Push-Ups
Jumping Lunges

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Entrenamiento 11 de mayo 2020 Quinze


A) 4 Rounds:

20 Crossed Mountain Climbers
20 Side Plank Right
20 Side Plank Left

4 Rounds:
20 Jumps over the DB
2 Wall Climbs

Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds:

Station A:
12 Db Snatches
12 Burpees Over the Db

Station B:
1 Minute Plank Hold

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Entrenamiento 9 de mayo 2020 Esse


In 7'
30 Jumping Jacks
5 Tempo Push-Ups (3-second descent)
5 No Push-Up Burpees
10 Tempo Squats(3-second descent)


5 Rounds:

2 Minutes AMRAP:
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Kb Romanian Deadlifts
15 Kb Squats
– 1 Minute Rest

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Entrenamiento 8 de mayo 2020 Variação entre Double Unders Kb Swings e Burpees



A – 45" Side Plank Hold (L)
B – 45" Air Squats
C – 45" Side Plank Hold (R)
D – 45 " Lateral Hops / SU

WORKOUT "Variação"

For time:

Double-Unders / Jumping Jacks

Kettlebell Swings


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Entrenamiento 7 de mayo 2020 Seis - Devil Press


Mountain Climbers 

WORKOUT - "seis"

For Time:

Devils Press

Dumbbell Lunges


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Entrenamiento 6 de mayo 2020 Minuto

Warm Up

In 5'
20 High Knees
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Butt Kickers
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees with no push-up

WORKOUT "Minuto"


5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Hang Dumbbell Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Squats

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Entrenamiento 5 de mayo 2020 Ski - Treinar em Casa

A) 2 Rounds:

100 4 dot hops
20 Sit-Ups

B) 2 Rounds:

15 Broad Jumps
30 Mountain Climbers


50 Kb Swings
50 Mountain Climbers
25 Bent-Over Row (R)
25 Bent-Over Row (L)

40 Kettlebell Swings
40 Mountain Climbers
20 Bent-Over Row (R)
20 Bent-Over Row (L)

30 Kb Swings
30 Mountain Climbers
15 Bent-Over Row (R)
15 Bent-Over Row (L)

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Bent-Over Row Right Arm
10 Bent-Over Row Left Arm

10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Mountain Climbers
5 Bent-Over Row Right Arm
5 Bent-Over Row Left Arm

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Entrenamiento 4 de mayo 2020 Medinas


4 Rounds:

25 Jumping Jacks
10 Tempo Squats (4 seconds down)
25 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees


5 Rounds For max lunges:

In 90 seconds:
4 Db Power Clean
4 Db Shoulder-to-Overhead
4 Burpees Over a Db
Max Jump Lunges
– Rest 90 seconds

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Entrenamiento 3 de mayo 2020 Rest Day

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Entrenamiento 2 de mayo 2020 Squat & Press

Squat & Press

Warm Up

3 Rounds
60 - 4 Dot Hops
10 Bent Over Rows
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Air Squats

Workout - "Squats & Presses"

5 Front Squats (left) 
10 Push Press (left)
5 Front Squat (Right) 
10 Push Press (Right)
 15 Sit Ups

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Entrenamiento 1 de mayo 2020 1º de Maio de 1886

1º May 1886

Warm UP

A) 2 Rounds:

60 4 Dot hops
20 Jumping Jacks

B) 2 rounds:

20 Walking Lunges
20 Mountain Climbers

TREINO - "1º de Maio"

28 Minute Clock:

2 minutes Kettlebell Turkish Get-Ups (alternate arms)
1 minute Max Kettlebell Windmill
2 minutes Reverse Kettlebell Lunges (alternate legs)
1 minute Max Kettlebell Windmill
1 minute Rest

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Renato Caetano

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

  • FMH - Facultad de Motricidad Humana de la Universidad de Lisboa
  • Postgrado en Entrenamiento Funcional 
  • Postgrado en Entrenamiento Personalizado
Renato Caetano Photo