Functional Training

A healthier and fairer world means that its inhabitants are more confident and healthy people.

"Functional Training" -  is a solid and structured response for all those who want to start a new practice in the comfort of their homes and / or maintain their training habits.

Workout 16 November 2021

Run 5 km for time

Workout 15 November 2021 1 metro quadrado


Workout 9 November 2021

Warm Up

5' having fun with jump rope

KB COMPLEX for 12'

Every 30'' Each exercise 

Arround the world

One hand Swing

Other hand swing

Goblet squat



3 AMRAP 1'30'' with 45'' rest

5 Clean 

10 Air squats

3 AMRAP 1' with 30'' rest

5 strict Press

10 Swings

3 AMRAP 40'' with 20'' rest

5 Thrusters

20 Double Unders

Renato Caetano

Graduate Degree in Sport - Physical Education

  • FMH - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Post Graduation in Functional Training
  • Post Graduation in Personal Training
Renato Caetano Photo